Orders ship from our Springfield, Illinois warehouse using Ground Freight or LTL services from carriers like USPS, FedEx and UPS. Consequently, we can only ship to locations within the continental United States.
Orders placed by 12 pm ET are processed and shipped out the same business day. Orders placed after 12 pm ET are processed and shipped out the next business day. Shipments arrive within 1 to 6 business days, depending on distance to travel and carrier routes.
Business days exclude Saturday, Sunday, and major holidays.
Major holidays vary by year but include:
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Black Friday
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year's Eve
Shipping Charges: Our shipping and handling charges simply cover a portion of our costs. Given that they are based on location and order size, they are visible, if applicable, on the cart page.
Taxes: We're required to collect and remit state taxes for deliveries to Illinois and Washington. You are responsible for any other locales.